Plant Health Care
Insect and Disease Control
Emerald Ash Borer
I recently checked with Tom Read of the Forestry Department of the City of Boulder about Emerald Ash Borer populations in Boulder. Tom indicated that due to the tremendous damage from the April & September 2020 storms, the city fell behind on its normal maintenance program due to massive cleanup of downed branches and dead trees. The city had to allocate an extra million dollars toward cleanup.
Some of the hot spots around town for EAB are:
The Boulder Creek Corridor from Central Park East.
Martin Acres continues to be hit hard along with most of South Boulder
City of Longmont City Forester, Bret Stebfzold, indicated a number of locations in Longmont that have notable infections of EAB.
West of Francis St
Near Loomiller Park
Lake McIntosh
Garden Acres Park
Around 4th & Alpine (NE corner of hasn’t seen as much EAB)
Louisville, Lafayette, Erie, and Superior are still getting new hits on their ASh trees. If you have questions about your trees, call us and we will give you a free estimate.
(yellowing of leaves)
When I started in the Tree Business in 1976, treating Chlorosis was far more difficult than it is today. We have more avenues for success today than ever before. If you have trees starting to yellow call us. The sooner they are treated (before the whole tree is in trouble), the greater the odds of a full recovery. The Maple and Oak families are the most susceptible to Chlorosis.
Spruce Gall (Adelgids)
Spruce Gall had good conditions for spreading in the spring of 2020. Some properties that just had a few of these false cones previously were covered with them this past year.
Treatment for Spruce Gall is generally for aesthetics. They replace live growth with a small false cone.
Kermes Scale on Oaks
Central Boulder appears to be the hardest hit are in Boulder County. Red Oaks and Pin Oaks are the trees attacked.Call us and we will advise of a treatment plan.
Other PHC services:
Zimmerman Pine Moth
Buttress Root Encouragement
Boring insects (Peach Borer, Pitch Mass Borer)
Pine Bark Beetle
Juniper-Hawthorn Rust
Cytospora Canker
Phloem Necrosis